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KCV GmbH 分机,鼓风机

2014-08-29 14:55:11 来源:德托机械 浏览:2263
KCV GmbH 分机,鼓风机
The KCV GmbH with its production site in Ransbach-Baumbach, S?lzerstra?e 20a is a former division of "Keramchemie" Today KCH Group, and represents more than 50 years production of fans, air technical components and containers and vessels made of thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.

In August 2004, the Group's operating areas "Fans" and "Thermoplastic Constructions" with the staff were acquired by Dr. Schrey in the group of Clama-Holding GmbH, and is managed as a separate entity.

For the supply of the asian market was in March 2005 set up a joint venture in Singapore that there under the name "VENTOS TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD" as a partner company KCV fans manufactures and supplies the Asian market.

KCV on the site Ransbach-Baumbach and Ventos in Asia producing fans and components made of thermoplastic and thermoset plastic combined with years of experience and technical expertise

上海德托机械有限公司是宝钢,太重,西门子,中海油,中船704所 ,SMS西马克,国核电站,营口五矿,中信洛矿,宝冶集团等国内外大中型企业的长期供应商,同时又与中冶京诚,中船设计院,宝钢工程,中冶赛迪,包钢院,中冶南方,中国重型机械研究所等国内设计院建立了长期的合作关系。



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